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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Road_Bullies !! DAMN!!

hurmmmm.......hari ini aku x sempat sangat nak online....
g shopping raya.....hehehe
mula2 aku g amik my shiny_red....(mesti korang tertanya2 kan? hehehe.....rahsia) 
pastu, masa ondaway nk ke bandar raub, ader satu keta saga lama.....plat CBT 7223.....
punya la s!@L.......dier himpit keta aku ke tepi......
pastu potong aku.....bila dier da kt depan.....
leh lak dier drive dengan slow nyer.....saje nak bikin aku panas.....
agak lama aku kena ikut belakang dier...
so, bila ader kesempatan, aku terus potong dier.....
aku ingat xder pape da la.....
tapi rupa nyer dier kejar aku....cucuh rapat lak tuh ....
ni 1st time aku jumpa ROAD BULLY.....
mula2 agak cuak, lepas itu aku potong la dalam 2 biji keta....baru la dapat lepas dari gangguan giler org tuh.....
mmg pengalaman weh....x penah lagik jadi camnih....
so, untuk korang, sini aku share kan sikit info ttg ROAD BULLIES yang aku google tadi.....

road bullies

"For motorist, have you been confronted by a road bully? Or read the news on road bullies? Road bullying or road rage, it is very unfortunate and even traumatic for those who had experienced them. And when faced with a scenario when someone cuts you off or "bullies" you out of a particular lane, it is very easy to get very upset. Fortunately, there are some handy tips you can use to help you deal with the frustrations caused by aggressive drivers.

1. Never, ever engage with an aggressive driver (or a road bully). From the moment that it becomes all too clear that another person is totally giving in to their road rage, this is precisely the same moment that you should disengage completely from that person. Do whatever you need to do to get away from that person, if that means slowing down or turning onto a side street or pulling off to the side of the road. It is never, ever wise or worth it to engage with someone in any way whatsoever who is out of their mind, and a person in the midst of a fit of road rage is not in his or her rational mind. 
2. Don't respond to aggressive driving with "an eye for an eye" mentality. More specifically, don't use an aggressive driver as an excuse to become an aggressive driver in your own right. If you are in a bad mood and you feel tempted to engage with a person suffering from road rage, do everything in your power to fight this temptation, because once again, it is just not worth it. Meditate, count to ten or a hundred or a thousand, do deep breathing, turn on some soft music. Do whatever it takes to calm yourself down so that you don't respond to aggressive driving with aggressive driving. Safety must always come first. Whether you are alone in the car or you have your children or other people with you. There are people who love you and they don't want to lose you as the result of the reckless behavior of an aggressive driver. 
3. If it is clear to you that someone's aggressive driving is putting himself and other people in danger, you may want to call 999 and anonymously report that individual's registration plate and other identifying details to the police. Aggressive drivers who drive dangerously do not belong on the roads. Always Remember:A willingness to do whatever it takes to get away from aggressive drivers who are filled with road rage and maintain your own driving safety"

p/s: aku pk aku syg keta aku je tadi, lau x da lama da aku himpit dier ke tepi jugak....( hahahaha....ader hati tuh....=P)

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